John Locke有关人类理解
心智的活动,除了尽力产生各种简单的认识之外,主要表现在如下三个方面: 1)将若干简单认识组合为一个复合认识, 由此产生出各种复杂的认识。 2)将两
Learning How to Learn
专注模式,分散模式。顺序思考,整体思考 专注于已熟练的知识。分散于新知识 发散模式有助于脱离思维定式。专注模式可能会使我们处于思维误区,大脑会坚
Reliable Data Transfer
rdt 1.0 在可靠数据链路上,直接发送分组 对于会丢失 bit 或分组,重传是发送方最好的办法 rdt 2.0 会丢失 bit 的情况下,通过校验和差错检测,并接受接收方反馈,AC
Different Between TCP and UDP
tcp 提供面向连接的服务,udp 则不保证该报文将到达接受进程。在连接前有握手过程,使双方为大量分组的到来做好准备,握手后一个tcp连接建立了。 tcp
When the HashSet checks to see if ooA2 is there, it will first compute ooA2.hashCode, which for our code will be the default hashCode(), which is just the memory address. “Note that it is generally necessary to override the hashCode method whenever the equals method is overridden, so as to maintain the general contract for the hashCode method, which states that equal objects must have equal hash codes.”